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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02A(点评)Judge’s CommentaryThe Outstanding Wind Waterspray Papers
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B Bumping for Dollars:The Airline Overbooking Problem
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B Optimal Overbooking
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B Things That Go Bump in the Flight
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:03 A O A Time-Independent Model of Box Safety for Stunt Motorcyclists
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:03A Cardboard Comfortable When It Comes to Crashing
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:03A Thinking Outside the Box
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:03a 点评s Commentary The Outstanding Stunt Person Papers
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 A O A Cluster-Theoretic Approach to Political Districting
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 A O P Electoral Redistricting with Moment of Inertia
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