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Topics to be Discussed National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments other concepts The determination of exchange rate floating exchange rate system Fixed exchange rate system Trade environment and policy o Summary of the open economy
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9.1 Decision of investment 9.2 Investment function 9.3 Inventory investment& Investment in residential structures
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8.1 Keynesian consumption function 8.2 A simple two-period model 8.3 Consumption theory after Keynes Permanent-income Hypothesis Life-style Hypothesis 8.4 Real interest& decision-making- between consumption and saving
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Topics to be Discusses Aggregate Demand (AD) Function Aggregate Supply (AS) Function AS-AD Model Price Changes and Determination of Output Price Adjustment Process
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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Banking system& monetary market 4.3 The interest rate& national income
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3.1 Concepts of Macroeconomic Equilibrium 3.2 Consumption Function 3.3Simple Model and others 3.4 Multiplier
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Economists\ on some level are mathematicians, historians, diplomatists, philosophers..and they are as indifferent and honest as artists
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一、消费函数与消费倾向 二、储蓄函数 三、两部门经济国民收入决定
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第一节开放经济条件下的内外均衡 第二节开放经济条件下的财政、货币政策蒙代尔弗莱明模型
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