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Review Conditional pdf Let(Y1,., YN) have joint pdf f(31,.. JN). Let f(3J+1, .. yN)be the marginal pdf of(y+1,……,YN). The conditional pdf of y1,…, Y, given y+1,…, YN is defined by
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2.7.刚体动力学的基本概念(参阅教材§4.4.-§4.9.) 1.刚体是一种特殊的质点系,质点系动力学的研究方法也适用于刚体,把动力学的三大定理 应用到刚体,所得结果就是111页(4.1.)(4.2.)和(4.3.)。由于刚体的自由度是6,三大 定理有七个方程,取其中六个方程就足以决定刚体的运动了。 鉴于刚体内部约束的特点(任意两质点间的距离保持不变),内力所作的功为零(证明见后) 动能定理(4.3)式已经得到化简;内势能一般取决于各对质点间的距离(而与相对的取向无关),因 而内势能也是常数,可以不予考虑(相当于调整计算势能的零点,使内势能为零) 刚体内力所作功为零的证明: F=F,F,是质点j作用于质点i的力,沿这两个质点的连线,满足F=-F 因而可表为F=n(-),(=):于是可计算成对内力所做的元功:
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我向几位好心阅读本书校样,并给我提出勘误和意见的 朋友表示谢意;其中我特别要提到约翰亚当斯教授、J.. 米尔黑德教授、A.沃尔夫博士以及WH.温奇、悉尼·韦 伯、L.皮尔索尔·史密斯和A.E.齐默恩等先生。正是为 了他们的缘故,我要补充说,书中有些见解仍予以保留,对 于这些见解,他们中的一人或多人是会希望删去或换一种表 达方式的。 我已尽力在脚注中标明其著作曾被我引用的各位作者
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From Individual to Market Demand Functions Think of an economy containing n consumers, denoted by= 1, .. ,n. Consumer is' ordinary demand function for commodity j is
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Lecture 17: Drug targeting Last time Intracellular drug de Today Drug targeting Reading T.J. Wickham, 'Ligand-directed targeting of genes to the site of disease, Nat. Med. 9(1) 135-139(2003)
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Lecture 3: Degradable Materials with Biological Recognition Last time: Theory of hydrolytic polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of polymers Designing Biodegradable Macromolecules Today: Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: cell adhesion/migration Reading: S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, 'Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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Biodegradable solid polymeric Materials Today course overview and administrative details Intro to concepts covered Chemistry and physical chemistry of biodegradable polymeric solids Hand-outs course syllabus Course administrative details Readin Third-Generation Biomedical Materials. \LL Hench and j M. Polak. Science 295
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Contents Preface 1 Separation processes- an overview S. Grandison and M. J. Lewis 1.1 Foods the raw material 1.2 Separation techniques 1.2.1 Introduction 1.2.2 Separations from solids
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Chapter 5 Microfiltration A. S. GRANDISON, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AP and T.J. A FINNIGAN, Marlow Foods, Middlesbrough. 5.1 INTRODUCTION Microfiltration (MF) is the oldest membrane technology, having been used several
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Chapter 4 Ultrafiltration M.J. LEWIS, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading RG6 6AP 4.1 INTRODUCTION Ultrafiltration offers the opportunity to concentrate large molecular weight components without the application of heat or a change of phase. Such components are rejected
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