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一、产业资本、资本循环的三个阶段、三种职能形式。 二、三种职能形式的职能、保持资本循环连续进行的条件
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一、商品的二因素———使用价值与价值。 二、使用价值与价值的关系
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市场微观结构定义:市场微观结构(Market Microstructure)是证券交易价格形成与发现的过程与运作机制( hara,1995)
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一、政治经济学的性质; 二、政治经济学的研究对象; 三、政治经济学研究的出发点; 四、劳动过程的三个简单要素
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Statistical inference draws conclusions about a population [i.e., probability density function(DF)] from random sample that has supposedly been drawn from that population
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Multiple Regression Model: A regression model with more than one explanatory variable, multiple because multiple nfluences (i.e., variables)affect the dependent variable
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11.1 The Nature of Heteroscedasticity Homoscedasticity: equal variance. Heteroscedasticity: unequal variance. Heteroscedasticity is usually found in cross-sectional data
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One CLRM assumption is: The model used in empirical analysis is \correctly specified\
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Dummy variables (also indicator variables; binary variables categorical variables; dichotomous variables.) Qualitative variables in regression model For example: sex, race, color, religion, nationalit y, marital status, etc
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The Object of Hypothesis Testing To answer- How \good\ is the estimated regression line. How can we be sure that the estimated regression function (i.e., the SRF) is in fact a good estimator of the true PRF?
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