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Real GDP versus Money GDP (实际GDP和名义GDP) Money GDP/Nominal GDP(名义GDP) values the production of goods and services at current prices(以现价). Real GDP(实际GDP) values the production of goods and services at constant prices(以不变价格)
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1. Price changes affect quantity demanded for two reasons: They attractiveness of substitute goods and they alter the real value of the consumers purchasing power. The second effect grows larger as the share of the consumers
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employment GDP=DI consumption saving
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Chapter 3 introduces markets and provides an overview of the supply and demand model. It begins by comparing central planning and the market as alternative methods of allocating resources Chapter 3-Supply and Demand: An Introduction Slide 3
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1. The equilibrium price of a good is determined by the intersection of its supply and demand curves. We can know everything about a goods cost of production( that, is we can know its supply exactly) yet still not know where the demand curve will intersect the supply curve
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Multiple Choice If one person can perform a task in fewer hours than another, you know the person has in performing the task. a. an absolute advantage. b. a comparative advantage. C. both a comparative advantage and an absolute advantage. rd. neither an absolute nor a comparativ advantage
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(1)国民生产总值的核算方法 (2)国民收入核算中的其他总量 (3)国民收入核算中的恒等关系
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一、两部门、三部门和四部门模型中的国民收 入的构成; 二、GDP指标体系; 三、GDP的核算方法; 四、GDP指标的缺陷
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MB MC Overview 1 a Chapter l introduces the concept of scarcity as applied in economics(also the No-Free-Lunch Principle). It presents the unavoidable fact that our needs and wants are unlimited and resources available to satisfy them are limited
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