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一、分波前的干涉装置 二、分振幅的干涉装置 三、光波场的空间相干性 四、光波场的时间相干性
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:31.71KB 文档页数:3
一、光的吸收 1.吸收的规律(线性吸收)被吸收的光强与吸收体的厚度成正比
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:898KB 文档页数:25
Chapter 4&5 Newtonian Mechanics 1. Newton's Law 2. Some Particular Forces 3. Applying Newton's Laws
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Chapter 2&3 Kinematics Chapter 3 Motion in One Dimension, Two and Three Dimensions 1. Reference Frames and Displacement 2. Velocity 3. Acceleration 4. Circular Motion
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Chapter 8 Energy and Conservation Law 1. Work and Energy 2. Kinetic Energy(能)&work- Energy Principle 3. Conservative(保守) and Noncons Forces 4. Potential Energy(势能) 5. Conservation Snarav
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:190.5KB 文档页数:14
一、种子质量检验的意义和内容 二、种子物理性状测定 三、种子生活力测定
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Chapter 9 Momentum and The Conservation of Momentum 1. Linear Impulse and Momentum 2. Impulse-Momentum Theorem and Conservation of Momentum
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Chapter 20 Gauss's Law A statement of the relationship between electric charge and electric field. Electric Flux 2 Gauss's Law 3 Application of Gauss's Law
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Chapter 10 11 Rotational Motion About Fixed Axis Rigid Body Rotational Inertia Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Angular Momentum and Conservation of Angular Momentum
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:978.5KB 文档页数:55
Chapter 21 Electric Potential 1. Electric Potential and Potential Difference 2. Relation Between Electric Potential and Electric Field 3. The Calculation of Electric Potential 4. Equipotential Surfaces 5. Electrostatic Potential Energy
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