Stability Condition of a Discrete-Time LTI System · BIBO Stability Condition-A- discrete--time LTI system is BIBO stable if the output sequence {y[n]} remains bounded for any bounded input sequence{x[n]} A discrete-time LTI system is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response sequence {h[n]} is absolutely summable
Can be continuous Trajectory of a space shuttle Mass density in a cross-section of a brain · Can be discrete dNa base sequence Digital image pixels Can be 1-D,2-D,·N-D For this course: Focus on a single(1-D) independent variable which we call“time
二章习题课 例题一、如图所示的构件,B为中间铰,受载荷如图所示。 求:A、C处的约束反力。 q M A a a 〔思路 1、在解题前,先回顾一下固定端约束的情形。分别以旗杆、墙上钉的铁钉等,介绍其约 束情况(反力的个数) 2、需要求解的未知数为4个,只选取一次研究对象不能解决问题,需要补充方程。故可 以考虑先选取BC为研究对象,在以整体为对象,即可求解。 解)
A. Why patent system neccesary B. Main features of a patent C. Main features of Chinese patent System D. What does a Chinese patent look like? E. Governing Laws and Rules F. File a Patent application in China G. Patent Litigation in China H. Case at trade fair
Broadcast Routing Route a packet from a source to all nodes in the network Possible solutions: Flooding: Each node sends packet on all outgoing links Discard packets received a second time Spanning Tree Routing: Send packet along a tree that includes all of the nodes in the network