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Lesson Notes Lesson 14 Managerial Accounting: Applications Learning objectives 1. Describe segmented reporting and responsibility accounting system 2. Explain the main aspects of Cost-volume-profit analysis 3. Analyze budgeting and budgetary control
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University Lesson Notes Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting: Concepts and Principles Learning objectives 1. Describe the definition of managerial accounting. 2. Identify and explain the difference between managerial accounting and financial accounting. 3. Analyze different ways to classify costs 4. Describe the flow of manufacturing activities
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Lesson 12: Internal Controls and Business Ethics Learning objectives 1.Explain the fundamental principles of internal control 2. Define, explain the purpose, and identify the principles of internal accounting control. 3. Apply internal control to cash. 4.Explain and record petty cash fund transactions
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Lesson Notes Lesson 11 Understanding Accounting Standards Learning Objectives 1. Understand the inherent limitation of accounting from trust perspective. 2. Appreciate how accounting standards contributes in trust developing and maintaining 3. Get to know the main contents of accounting standards
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School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 10 Understanding and Using Financial Statements Learning objectives 1. Describe the need and supply for financial statement analysis. 2. Learn basic financial statement analytical procedures
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Lesson 1: Introduction to Accounting Learning Objectives Understand the concepts of economic man and nature of firm from the perspective of economic man 2. Appreciate the trust issue and the unique role of accounting in trust building and maintaining
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第一节 系统管理概述 第二节 账套的建立和管理 第三节 操作员及权限的管理 第四节 基础信息设置
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财产清查不仅是会计核算的重要方法, 也是财产物资管理的一项重要制度。本 章介绍了财产清查的意义、种类及其在 会计核算方法体系中的作用,详尽介绍 了各种财产物资、货币资金
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选择题 1、在借贷记账法中,账户的哪一方记增加,哪一方记减少,是由()决定的。 A、记账规则B、业务性质 C、账户性质D、账户结构
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本章主要介绍了会计账簿的相关内容。 包括账簿的意义与种类;账薄的设置;账薄 的使用和登记规则;账簿包括日记账、总分 类账和明细分类账和备查账簿,设置和登记 账簿应遵循的各种规则。为了保证账簿记录 的正确性和连续性,期末应对账、结账,并 按照有关要求进行账簿的更换和保管
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