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1、DNA指导的RNA合成。 2、RNA指导的RNA合成
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一、基因表达的概念 1、基因(gene):从遗传学讲,基因就是遗传的基本单位或单元,具有编码RNA或多数情况下编码多肽功能的信息单位。从分子生物学看,基因是负载特定遗传信息的DNA分子片段
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How Important Is Cost? Reagents obviously figure into the cost of a procedure, but the labor required to produce and apply the reagents of purification should also be considered. How Important Is Reproducibility (Robustness) of the Procedure?
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The principle of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was first reported in 1971 (Kleppe et al., 1971), but it was only after the dis￾covery of the thermostable Taq DNA polymerase (Saiki et al., 1988; Lawyer et al., 1989) that this technology became easy to use
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Part I: Chemistry and Genetics Part II: Maintenance of the Genome Part III: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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染色体(chromosome)是遗传物质(基因)的载体。它由 DNA 和 蛋白质等构成,具有储存和传递遗传信息的作用。真核细胞的基因大 部分存在于细胞核内的染色体上,通过细胞分裂,基因随着染色体的 传递而传递,从母细胞传给子细胞、从亲代传给子代。各种不同生物 的染色体数目、形态、大小各具特征
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The nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic (DNA) and ribonucleic (RNA) , are, respectively , the molecules that preserve here￾ditary information and that transcribe and translate it in a way that allows the synthesis of all the varied proteins of the cell 25.2 NUCLEOTIDES AND NUCLEOSIDES
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细胞质中能自我复制的遗传物质称胞质基 二胞质杂种的制备方法 因。现已证明,植物细胞质中的叶绿体和线粒体 为了使得胞质基因组能够重组以产生新类 都含有自己的DNA及整套的转录和翻译系型,首先要获得胞质杂种。已有研究指出,普通 统,能够合成蛋白质
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◼ 前言 ◼ 诱发基因突变的因素 ◼ 基因突变的一般特性 ◼ 基因突变的分子机制 ◼ DNA损伤的修复
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