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The lines plan;fairing A lines plan, usually 1/48 lifesize scale drawing of a ship, is used by designers to calculate required hydrostatic, stability, and capacity conditions. Full-scale drawings formerly were obtained from the lines plan by redrawing it full size and preparing a platform of boards called a \scrive board\showing the length and shape of all frames and beams. Wood tem plates were then
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The wooden ship was constructed on a building berth, around which timbers ad planking were cut and shaped, and then fitted together on the berth to form the hull. A similar practice was followed with iron vessels and, later, with the earlier was followed with the earlier
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8.1 并发控制概述 8.2 封锁 8.3 封锁协议 8.4 活锁和死锁 8.5 并发调度的可串行性 8.6 两段锁协议 8.7 封锁的粒度 8.8 Oracle的并发控制 8.9 小结
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7.1 事务的基本概念 7.2 数据库恢复概述 7.3 故障的种类 7.4 恢复的实现技术 7.5 恢复策略 7.6 具有检查点的恢复技术 7.7 数据库镜像 7.8 Oracle的恢复技术 7.9 小结
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6.4 逻辑结构设计 6.4.1 E-R图向关系模型的转换 6.4.2 向特定DBMS规定的模型进行转换 6.4.3 数据模型的优化 6.4.4 设计用户子模式
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6.1 数据库设计概述 6.1.1 数据库和信息系统 6.1.2 数据库设计的特点 6.1.3 数据库设计方法简述 6.1.4 数据库设计的基本步骤 6.2 需求分析 6.2.1 需求分析的任务 6.2.2 需求分析的方法 6.2.3 数据字典
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◼ 概述 ◼ 3.6.1 授权 ◼ 3.6.2 收回权限 ◼ 小结
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◼ 3.3.1 概述 ◼ 3.3.2 单表查询 ◼ 3.3.3 连接查询 ◼ 3.3.4 嵌套查询 ◼ 3.3.5 集合查询 ◼ 3.3.6 小结
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