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Chapter 2 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Identify the basic components of Java programs.Distinguish two types of Java programs- applications and applets
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Chapter 3 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Select proper types for numerical data. Write arithmetic expressions in Java. Evaluate arithmetic expressions using the precedence rules. Describe how the memory allocation works for objects and primitive data values. Write mathematical expressions using methods in the Math class
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6.1 Introduction The convolution sum description of an LTI discrete-time system can, in principle, be used to implement the system For an IR finite-dimensional system this approach is not practical as here the impulse response is of infinite length · However, direct implementation of the IIR finite-dimensional system is practica
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4.1 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain · Such transformdomain- representations provide additional insight into the behavior of such systems It is easier to design and implement these systems in the transform-domain for certain applications We consider now the use of the DtFt and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an LTI system
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Digital Signal Processing Theory, method, algorithm Digital Signal Processor A kind of microprocessor used to implement digital signal processing algorithm
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1. Introduction Summary Introduction to Derivatives Futures Contracts Underlying Assets Forward Contracts Types of Traders
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Teaching plan of professional Eng l ish for the students of plant protection A. OBJECTIVES To improve students' professional English language proficiency through exercises in comprehension and text appreciation and promote
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4. Hedging Using Futures Summary Why hedge How to Hedge
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Standard Approach to Estimating Volatility (Equation 15.1 Define on as the volatility per day between day n-1 and day n, as estimated at end of day n-1 · Define, as the value of market variable at end of day i Define ui= In(S /Si-1)
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General linear models Suppose that we have a model: 1 It is inherently linear for the parameters if it can be transformed into Examples: 1. Exponential model: Y
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