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Topics to be Discusses Aggregate Demand (AD) Function Aggregate Supply (AS) Function AS-AD Model Price Changes and Determination of Output Price Adjustment Process
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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Banking system& monetary market 4.3 The interest rate& national income
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3.1 Concepts of Macroeconomic Equilibrium 3.2 Consumption Function 3.3Simple Model and others 3.4 Multiplier
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Economists\ on some level are mathematicians, historians, diplomatists, philosophers..and they are as indifferent and honest as artists
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一、消费函数与消费倾向 二、储蓄函数 三、两部门经济国民收入决定
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第一节开放经济条件下的内外均衡 第二节开放经济条件下的财政、货币政策蒙代尔弗莱明模型
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北京师范大学:《法律基础》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)第九章 经济法 第三节 宏观控制法2/2
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复旦大学:《宏观经济学》课程PPT教学课件(初、中、高级篇)03 第三章理性预期
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The Open Economy Why do countries trade with each other? \No nation was ever ruined by trade.\ -- Benjamin Franklin More varieties; higher quality; cheaper price
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