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4.1 Thorndike’s Connectionism 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndike:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University. 1895-1897,studied psychology in Harvard Unviversity.(James) 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH.D.(Kattel) 1912, became Chairman of APA
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Axiom Schemata for F Axiom Schema 1 A ∨ A ⊃ A Axiom Schema 2 A ⊃ (B ∨ A) Axiom Schema 3 A ⊃ B ⊃ (C ∨ A ⊃ (B ∨ C)) Axiom Schema 4 ∀xA ⊃ Sxt A where t is a term free for the individual variable x in A Axiom Schema 5 ∀x(A ∨ B) ⊃ (A ∨ ∀xB) provided that x is not free in A
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What is FBG? An in-fibre Bragg grating is constructed by varying the refractive index of the core lengthwise along the fibre. Light of the specified wavelength traveling along the fibre is reflected from the grating back in the direction from which it came. Wavelengths which are not selected are passed through with little or no attenuation
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AARON COHEN Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University Professor Aaron Cohen received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1952 and an M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Stevens
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Innovation, Technological Change and Competition Technology refers to the skills, knowledge experience, body of scientific knowledge, tools, computers, machines used in the design and production of goods and services. Ouantum technological change: fundamental shift in technology that results in innovation The Internet and genetic engineering are examples
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1. Define - in their own words a definition for linking in a sentence. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students; 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different types of linking in connected speech;
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The students will learn strong forms and weak forms in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for strong forms and weak forms in a sentence. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students;
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Phosphorus in plant physiology P content of plants Approximately 0.2% of plant dry weight is P Plants require a relatively large amount of P. The phosphate concentration in the cytosol is maintained at fairly constant concentrations in the 5 to 8 mol/m3 regardless of the external phosphate concentration except under severe P deficiency. By contrast is the vacuolar phosphate concentration
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Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn stressed syllables & unstressed syllables in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for stressed syllables & unstressed syllables. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students; 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare stressed and unstressed syllables in words and sentences;
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Date: Sept.16-20 Class: Classes 1, 2 & 3, Grade 2002 Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn some basic concepts in English pronunciation. We are going to learn something about syllables, stress and rhythm in English. At the same time, they will learn to say greetings and farewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in English
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