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第五章成本理论 [Theory of Cost] 第一节成本概念 第二节短期成本分析 第三节长期成本分析
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通货膨胀理论 一、通货膨胀概述 二、通货膨胀的成因分析 三、价格调整曲线 四、抑制通货膨胀的方法
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What is money? Notes Coins Current deposits (活期存款) other deposits with banks(银行的其它存款) Currency(现金) M3 = C + D
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上海大学经济学院:风险管理与保险规划(PPT教案讲稿)Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance
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8.1 可化为线性回归的曲线回归 8.2 多项式回归 8.3 非线性模型 8.4 本章小结与评注
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《国际经济学 International Economics》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 18 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention
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Microeconomics Microeconomics(微观经济学) is the study of how individual households and firms make decisions and how they interact with one another in markets
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Real GDP versus Money GDP (实际GDP和名义GDP) Money GDP/Nominal GDP(名义GDP) values the production of goods and services at current prices(以现价). Real GDP(实际GDP) values the production of goods and services at constant prices(以不变价格)
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一、宏观经济政策目标 二、财政政策 三、货币政策 四、两种政策的混合使用
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employment GDP=DI consumption saving
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