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1、有效辐射:即地面有效辐射,指地面长波辐射与地面所吸收的大气长波逆辐射的差额。 2、辐射平衡:地面吸收的总辐射能与发射的总辐射能的差额。 3、太阳常数:在日地平均距离处,大气上界与太阳光线垂直的平面上所接受到的太阳辐射能,通常取其值S=1.97卡·厘米1·分=1367瓦·米2
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家畜环境卫生是一门综合性的学科,涉及的范围极广,它必须以物理、化学、微生 物学、生理学、生态学、病理学、畜牧机械、畜牧系统工程等基础科学为基础;同时又与 饲养学、繁殖学、育种学、牧场经营管理学、动物医学等有密切联系
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多重反应的收率及选择性 多重反应包括:同时反应,平行反应,连串反应,平行-连串反应 1.同时反应:反应系统中同时进行两个或两个以上的反应物与产物 都不相同的反应:如:
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实验一 柏努利方程演示实验(演示性) 实验二 流体流动型态及临界雷诺数的测定(验证性) 实验三 管路流体阻力实验 (操作性) 实验四 离心泵特性曲线的测定实验(操作性) 实验五 套管换热器液—液热交换系数及膜系数的测定(操作性) 实验六 板式塔流动特性实验(操作性,选做) 实验七 固体流态化的流动特性实验(操作性,选做)
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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3.1 Introduction 3.2 Typical test signals for time response of control systems 3.3 First –Order Systems 3.4 Performance of a Second-Order System 3.5 Concept of Stability 3.6 The Relative Stability of Feedback Control Systems
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1 Introduction 2 Deterministic Dynamic Programming and Viscosity Solutions 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Value Functions are Viscosity Solutions 2.3 Comparison and Uniqueness 3 Stochastic Control 3.1 Some Probability Theory 3.2 Controlled State Space Models 3.3 Filtering 3.4 Dynamic Programming - Case I : Complete State Information 3.5 Dynamic Programming - Case II : Partial State Information 3.6 Two Continuous Time Problems 4 Robust Control 4.1 Introduction and Background 4.2 The Standard Problem of H∞ Control 4.3 The Solution for Linear Systems 4.4 Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Control and Robustness 5 Optimal Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 5.1 Preliminaries 5.2 The Feedback Control Problem 5.3 Conditional Dynamics 5.4 Optimal Control 5.5 Appendix: Formulas for the Two-State System with Feedback Example 6 Optimal Risk-Sensitive Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 6.1 System Model
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Frequency response is the analysis of the response of systemswhen subjected to a sinusoidal change in input. When a linear system is subjected to a sinusoidal input, its ultimate response is also a sustained sinusoidal wave, with the same frequency. The figure below compares the output response of a system (solid line) with a sinusoidal input (dashed line) disturbing the system
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第四节 气固相催化反应本征动力学方程 第五节 温度对反应速率的影响 第六节 固体催化剂的失活
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