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1.Genes can be mutated in many ways The most common gene change involves a single base mismatch--a misspelling--placing the wrong base in the DNA. At other times, a single base may be dropped or added. And sometimes large pieces of DNA are mistakenly repeated or deleted
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Some disorders result when a mutation causes the product of a single gene to be altered or missing. These disorders are inherited in simple patterns similar to or identical with those described by Mendel for certain discrete characteristics in garden peas. Therefore, it’s also called Mendelian diseases
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Medical Genetics The normal 46 chromosomes in our body are contained in the center of the cell, which is called the nucleus. Mitochondria are structures in the cell located outside of the nucleus in the cytoplasm, that also contain genes that are separate from the ones in the nucleus
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第一节 细胞 一、细胞结构 二、与遗传直接有关的细胞器 三、染色体 第二节 细胞分裂 一、有丝分裂 二、减数分裂 第三节 遗传的染色体学说 一、遗传的染色体学说的证据 二、孟德尔定律的实质 第四节 染色体周史 一、高等动物的生活史 二、高等植物的生活史 三、真菌类的生活史
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一、单基因病的概念 二、系谱常用符号及系谱分析 三、各种单基因病的系谱特征 四、AD的各种类型 五、影响单基因病发病风险的因素 六、单基因病发病风险的估计
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一、前言 二、染色体畸变发生的原因 三、染色体数目异常及其产生的机制 四、染色体结构畸形及其产生的机制
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The most common gene change involves a single base mismatch--a misspelling--placing the wrong base in the DNA. At other times, a single base may be dropped or added. And sometimes large pieces of DNA are mistakenly repeated or deleted
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Medical genetics 2. Inborn errors of metabolism Inborn errors of metabolism are are genetic disorders in which the body cannot turn food into energy (metabolize food) normally. The disorders are usually caused by defects in the enzymes involved in the biochemical pathways that break down food components
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The Science of Genetics Cellular Reproduction Mendelism: The Basic Principles of Inheritance CHAPTER 4 Extensions of Mendelism The Chromosomal Basis of Mendelism Variation in Chromosome Number and Structure Linkage, Crossing Over, and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses DNA and the Molecular Structure of Chromosomes Replication of DNA and Chromosomes Translation and the Genetic Code Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination The Techniques of Molecular Genetics Genomics Applications of Molecular Genetics Transposable Genetic Elements Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes The Genetic Control of Animal Development The Genetic Basis of Cancer Inheritance of Complex Traits Population Genetics Evolutionary Genetics Transcription and RNA Processing
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1. What is gene therapy? 2. How does gene therapy work? 3. The current status of gene therapy research 4. Factors kept gene therapy effective 5. Some recent developments 6. Some of the ethical considerations
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