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1.动作分析概述 2.动作经济原则 3.动作改善
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一、有害生物 在自然生态系中任何一个可以生存下来的物种, 对生态系都有积极的作用。 各种生物形成了相互制约、相互依存、相对稳定 的关系。 在人类出现之后,一些与人类竞争资源或危及人 类健康的生物逐渐引起了人们的注意,并以人的经济 利益为标准,将这些生物贴上“有害生物”的标签
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1. A situation is efficient if a. no change can help some people without hurting others. b. the gain for some people offsets the loss for others. .C. the gain for some people more than offsets the loss to others. d. consumer surplus is maximized. e. producer surplus is maximized
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1. Which of the following best explains why wages in service industries have increased along with wages in manufacturing industries, even though service industry productivity has not increased as much? because
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1. The principle of increasing opportunity cost, also known as the low-hanging-fruit principle, says that the least costly options should be exploited first, with more costly options taken up only after the least costly ones have been exhausted. At low prices, only those with low opportunity costs of producing the product would find it worthwhile to offer it for sale. As prices
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Chapter 5 presents the material in a way that illustrates the core principle of the textbook, that marginal benefits should equal marginal costs The chapter presents the demand curve as derived from marginal benefits. Chapter 6 presents the supply curve as derived from marginal costs These two chapters provide the details behind the principle that Mc- MB and give students a solid
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Chapter 1 Thinking Like an Economist Chapter 2 Comparative Advantage Chapter 3 Supply and Demand: An Introduction Chapter 4: Elasticity
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Multiple Choice 1. Equilibrium a. is a concept unique to economics. b. always occurs where supply equals demand. C. results when opposing forces fail to cancel each other out. d. indicates balance. e. all of the above
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1. The equilibrium price of a good is determined by the intersection of its supply and demand curves. We can know everything about a goods cost of production( that, is we can know its supply exactly) yet still not know where the demand curve will intersect the supply curve
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This chapter introduces comparative advantage and shows that having people specialize in the production in which they are relatively more efficient allows the production of more of everything. It introduces the production possibilities curve and develops the production possibilities model to show precisely how specialization enhances the productive capacity of an economy
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