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MB MC Overview 1 a Chapter l introduces the concept of scarcity as applied in economics(also the No-Free-Lunch Principle). It presents the unavoidable fact that our needs and wants are unlimited and resources available to satisfy them are limited
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随着数字通信技术和计算机技术的快速发展以及通信网与计算机网络的相 互融合,信息科学技术已成为21世纪国际社会和世界经济发展的新的强大推动 力。信息作为一种资源,只有通过广泛地传播与交流,才能产生利用价值、促进 社会成员之间的合作、推动社会生产力的发展、创造出巨大的经济效益。 本章将简要介绍通信系统的基本概念、组成和分类、信息的度量以及评价通 信系统性能的指标
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According to Say's Law, Supply Creates Its Own Demand as Prices move to balance Demand with Aggregate Supply
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Increases Affect Aggregate Supply?OSt How Do Growth in Potential Output and Ce
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ECNOMICS Openness of Different Economies, 1997
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ECNOMICS Economic Growth Is Key to Long- Term Living Standards
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ECENOMIC S We Now Turn to Money: Its Demand and the Role of Banks in Its Supply
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ECENOMIC S Business fluctuations have been a Persistent Feature of Capitalism
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ECENOMIC S Gross domestic product can be measured Either as(a) a Flow of Final Products or Equivalently, as(b) a Flow of Costs 1-153
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ECENOMIC S Lorenz Curve shows Income Inequality T137 Figure 19-1 100 Curve of absolute equality Deviation fror absolute equality
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