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1 Storage devices Existing devices 2 Parallelizing files’ storage Striping Introduction to Map/Reduce 3 Risks of data loss and corruption 4 Data consistency Checksums Practical usage 5 Data safety Redundancy Parity Erasure coding 6 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:581.73KB 文档页数:124
1 Asynchronous I/O Latency Asynchronous I/O interfaces Message queues 2 I/O optimizations Optimizing network transfers Optimizing local transfers 3 Influence of data structures on I/O Measuring I/O efficiency of algorithms 4 Caching Principles Policies Distributed Caches 5 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:413.8KB 文档页数:46
Intro Threading Safety Solutions 1 Introduction and expectations Scope : what is parallelism ? Finding parallelism Expectations 2 Threading, theory and practice Processes and threads Python threading C ++threading and async 3 Thread-safety issues Data races Thread safety 4 Thread-safety solutions Avoid the problem Replicate Atomics Locking
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:487.7KB 文档页数:59
1 Measuring Performance What is performance ? Tools available Finding bottlenecks 2 Code modernization 3 Improving Memory Handling Context Containers and memory Container reservation Detecting offending code 4 The nightmare of thread safety Context and constraints Identifying problems Solving problems Thread contention 5 Low level optimizations Scope and target How to measure ? Improving 6 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:810.85KB 文档页数:84
1 Why python and C++ Pros and Cons of each language Respective usecases 2 C ++getting usable Language “simplifications” Making bad code harder to write 3 Performant C++ New performance related features Templates Avoiding virtuality when possible 4 Migrating from Python 2 to python 3 Tour of python 3 changes How to support both versions How to migrate 5 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:493.03KB 文档页数:64
Intro Threading Safety Solutions 1 Introduction and expectations Scope : what is parallelism ? Finding parallelism Expectations 2 Threading, theory and practice Processes and threads Python threading C ++threading and async 3 Thread-safety issues Data races Thread safety 4 Thread-safety solutions Avoid the problem Replicate Atomics Locking
文档格式:PPS 文档大小:605KB 文档页数:64
文档格式:PPS 文档大小:114KB 文档页数:17
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:406.5KB 文档页数:18
六、理论板数的捷算法 七、关于二元连续精馏的其它流程 1.塔顶设有分凝器 2.冷液回流 3.直接蒸汽加热流程 4.多股加料和侧线出料流程 5. 回收塔流程
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:788.5KB 文档页数:83
• Excel是专门用于表格数据处理的软件。 • 具体用途 –表格输出 –图表输出 –快速计算(公式、填充) –数据处理(排序、筛选、分类汇总) • 学习内容 –数据输入 –格式设置 – 公式输入与填充 – 数据处理方法
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