Approaches to Asymmetric Catalysis Organometallic catalysis Broad scope Ligand control Inert conditions -Cost and toxicity Bioorganic catalysis Highly selective High rate of reaction Limited scope
HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
MAJOR PROCESS TYPES CONTINUOUS STEADYSTATE- Used for world-scale production of commodity chemicals Large, centrally located plants BATCH Used for small-scale production of high value-added chemicals JIT MINIPLANT Used for on-site production of hazardous or difficult to transport chemicals Continuous Steady-State is the dominant process type
WHATIS DESIGN??? A DESIGN IS PLAN FOR: Manufacturing an artifact refrigerator or a rug Building the mean of manufacture A factory or a chemical plant Building structure A bridge or a baseball stadium Implementing an organization A hospital emergency room A air transportation system
SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations
HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
DESIGN METHODOLOGY goaL-- Produce design for chemical plant that: Is economically acceptable and Is operable,ie., eIs safe → Is controllable Is reliable,and Is environmentally acceptable
SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations