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Module8: Deadlocks(死锁) 1、System Model(系统模型) 2、Deadlock Characterization(死锁特征) 3、Methods for Handling Deadlocks(处理死锁的方法) 4、Deadlock Prevention(预防死锁) 5、Deadlock Avoidance(死锁避免) 6、Deadlock Detection(死锁检测) 7、Recovery from Deadlock(死锁恢复) 8、Combined Approach to Deadlock Handling(综合处理方法)
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Approaches to Asymmetric Catalysis Organometallic catalysis Broad scope Ligand control Inert conditions -Cost and toxicity Bioorganic catalysis Highly selective High rate of reaction Limited scope
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HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
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Necessary Background of Statistical Physics (2) when the velocity of the center of mass is fixed to zeroKinetic energy
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MAJOR PROCESS TYPES CONTINUOUS STEADYSTATE- Used for world-scale production of commodity chemicals Large, centrally located plants BATCH Used for small-scale production of high value-added chemicals JIT MINIPLANT Used for on-site production of hazardous or difficult to transport chemicals Continuous Steady-State is the dominant process type
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WHATIS DESIGN??? A DESIGN IS PLAN FOR: Manufacturing an artifact refrigerator or a rug Building the mean of manufacture A factory or a chemical plant Building structure A bridge or a baseball stadium Implementing an organization A hospital emergency room A air transportation system
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SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations
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HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
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DESIGN METHODOLOGY goaL-- Produce design for chemical plant that: Is economically acceptable and Is operable,ie., eIs safe → Is controllable Is reliable,and Is environmentally acceptable
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SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations
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