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一、课程概述: (一)课程属性及课程介绍 二战以来,对外贸易越来越成为一国经济发展的动力;尤其是冷战结束后,国际贸易更 是成为世界各国之间经济联系的主要纽带和经济竞争、乃至综合国力竞争的主要舞台。面对 加入WTO、融入全球经济一体化的挑战,中国需要大量具备国际贸易专业知识的人才。因 此,教育部把“国际贸易”确定为财经类专业的公共基础课
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《国际贸易 International Trade》(双语版)Chapter 4 Economic Growth and Trade
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本章将用贸易政治经济学(Political Economics of Trade)的方法分析社会各利益集团 (community interesting groups) 通过博弈影 响一国贸易政策的决策和实施
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本章我们将着重研究国际贸易政策得以实现的 各种措施,并对这些政策措施的福利效应作出 分析。 1. 关税措施(Tariff Barrier) 2. 非关税措施(Non-tariff Barriers,NTBS ) 3. 鼓励出口(Encourage Export)的政策措施 4. 公平贸易( Fair Trade)措施 5. Summary
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本章我们将着重研究国际贸易政策得以实现的 各种措施,并对这些政策措施的福利效应作出 分析。 1. 关税措施(Tariff Barrier) 2. 非关税措施(Non-tariff Barriers,NTBS ) 3. 鼓励出口(Encourage Export)的政策措施 4. 公平贸易( Fair Trade)措施 5. Summary
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In recent years, there has been surge in academic interest in the \ownership\ of corporations, and in the links between ownership and performance The interest in this issue is driven by rapid changes going on in international capital markets, as well as in the corporate sector in many countries
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Background Knowledge u Time Zones and International date Line rn 1884 scientists divided the world into 24 time zones. The time in the zone containing greenwich is called Greenwich Mean Time Going westwards around the world from Greenwich, we subtract an hour for each
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Network Development of Network First measurements made in July 1992; just after start of International GPS Serviceigs). Since then measurements each year and often multiple campaigns per year. -The current network has over 1000 sites, many of them being recovery marks for the main
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Treat the basic description and dynamics of satellite orbits Major perturbations on GPS satellite orbits · Sources of orbit information: -SP3 format from the International GPS service Broadcast ephemeris message
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National Income: Where t comes From and where丨 t Goes A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. Jane Austen The most important macroeconomic variable is gross domestic product(GDP) As we have seen, GDP measures both a nations total output of goods and ser- vices and its total income. To appreciate the significance of GDP, one need only take a quick look at international data: compared with their poorer counterparts, nations with a high level of gDP per person have everything from better child-
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