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5.1传染病模型 5.2经济增长模型 5.3正规战与游击战 5.4药物在体内的分布与排除 5.5香烟过滤嘴的作用 5.6人口预测和控制 5.7烟雾的扩散与消失 5.8万有引力定律的发现
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1、二次设备:对一次设备及水力机械设备工作进行监测和控制保护的辅助设备,以保证电站安全、经济的运行。 如: ①测量仪表、录波装置; ②控制开关、同期装置、自动励研装置;信号装置、继电保护、绝缘监察装置; ④控制电流、小母线连接线;
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熟悉电气主接线的基本形式、接线特点及应用;了解发电厂变电站电气主接线 的设计步骤:掌握电气主接线设计中的主变压器的选择和方案的经济技术比较
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佳亭公司2002年6月发生下列 经济业务: 1购入自用汽车一辆,付款 250000元,当即投入使用 2.购入A商品100件,每件进 价50元;经协商,货款于8月底 支付;
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第一节: 社会主义革命在经济相对落后国家首先取得胜利 第二节:苏联共产党人对建设社会主义道路的探索
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1.动作分析概述 2.动作经济原则 3.动作改善
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一、有害生物 在自然生态系中任何一个可以生存下来的物种, 对生态系都有积极的作用。 各种生物形成了相互制约、相互依存、相对稳定 的关系。 在人类出现之后,一些与人类竞争资源或危及人 类健康的生物逐渐引起了人们的注意,并以人的经济 利益为标准,将这些生物贴上“有害生物”的标签
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1. A situation is efficient if a. no change can help some people without hurting others. b. the gain for some people offsets the loss for others. .C. the gain for some people more than offsets the loss to others. d. consumer surplus is maximized. e. producer surplus is maximized
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1. Which of the following best explains why wages in service industries have increased along with wages in manufacturing industries, even though service industry productivity has not increased as much? because
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1. The principle of increasing opportunity cost, also known as the low-hanging-fruit principle, says that the least costly options should be exploited first, with more costly options taken up only after the least costly ones have been exhausted. At low prices, only those with low opportunity costs of producing the product would find it worthwhile to offer it for sale. As prices
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