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1、让学生熟悉营运资金的概念与特点,了解现金的持有动机、应付账款与存货的功能 2、让学生掌握现金、应收账款、存货成本的计算方法 3、让学生掌握最佳现金持有量的计算
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1、让学生了解企业证券投资的概念、对象和种类 2、让学生掌握证券投资收益率的计算方法; 3、让学生掌握证券估价的方法,并能在证券投资中加以运用
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:41KB 文档页数:4
1、让学生掌握财务预算的概念、特征、作用 2、让学生掌握常用财务预算编制的基本方法 3、让学生掌握现金预算和预计财务报表的编制方法
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:78.5KB 文档页数:9
1、让学生了解财务分析的目的、内容和基本分析过程 2、让学生熟练掌握偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力分析的基本方法 3、让学生掌握杜邦分析法和财务状况综合分析方法
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1.1财务会计概述 1.2会计核算的基本前提 1.3会计核算的一般原则 1.4会计准则与会计制度
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5.1投资的概念与分类 5.2短期投资 5.3长期股权投资 5.4长期债权投资 5.5长期投资减值
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8.1流动负债概述 8.2短期借款 8.3应付票据与应付账款 8.4应付工资与应付福利费 8.5应交税金 8.6其他应付及预收款项
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12.1财务会计报告概述 12.2利润表 12.3.资产负债表 12.4利润表与资产负债表编制举例 12.5现金流量表 12.6会计报表附注及财务情况说明书
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Scientific Management theory Modern management began in the late 19th century. Organizations were seeking ways to better satisfy customer needs Machinery was changing the way goods were produced Managers had to increase the efficiency of the worker -task mix Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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The Global environment oIn the past, managers have viewed the global sector as closed Each country or market was assumed to be isolated from others Firms did not consider global competition, exports oToday's environment is very different managers need to view it as an open market Organizations buy and sell around the world Managers need to learn to compete globally Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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