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1.1物流的基本概念 物流是由“物”和“流”两个基本要素组成的,这两个基本要素以其独立形态存在时,有其一般性的解释,两者结合在一起之后,其解释便有了限定的含义,不再完全遵循原来的解释
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一、是非题 1.链传动的链节数通常不应选择偶数。() 2.滚子链标记:08A-1×88GB1243.1-83,其中1表示滚子链的排数。() 3.链传动的平均传动比为一常数。() 4.由于啮合齿数较少的原因,链传动的脱链通常发生在小链轮上。()
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shop are registered trademarks and Statetlow and Target Language Compiler are trademarks of The MathWorks, Ine. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders
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熟悉:诊断、诊法的含义,中医诊断学的主要内容,中医诊断的基本原理和原则; 了解:中医诊断学的学习方法 大体内容与时间安排,教学方法:(启发式、互动式
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Natick, MA 01760-2098 For contact information about worldwide offices, see the Math Works Web site. Using MATLAB Graphics COPYRIGHT 1984-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement- No of this manual may be photocopied or repro-
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