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《微观经济学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)第四章 企业与市场
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)stock market prices do not follow random walks(lo &mackinlay,1988)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)some empirical tests of the theory of arbitrage pricing(chen,1983)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)Risk, Return, and Equilibrium:Empirical Tests(fama&macbeth,1973)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)Risk Aversion in the Small and in the large
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)prospect theory-an analysis of decision under risk(k&t,1979)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)portfolio selection(markowitz,1952)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)long-term growth in a short-term market(fm,1974)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)filter rules and stock-market trading(fama&blume,1966)
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)The Adiustment of Stock Prices to New Information
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