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73.1 Signal Detection General Considerations. Detection of Known Signals.Detection of Parametrized Signals. Detection of Random Signals Deciding A mong Multiple Signals. Detection of Signals in More General noise rocessesRobust and Nonparametric Detection Distributed and Sequential Detection. Detection with Continuous-Time Measurements 73.2 Noise Statistics of Noise. Noise Pow owerect of Linear Transformations on Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density White, Gaussian
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72.1 B-ISDN Manfred N.Huber B-ISDN Services and Applications- Asynchronous Transfer Mode.Transmission of B-ISDN Signals.ATM Adaptation Siemens Layer. B-ISDN Signaling J.N.Daigle 72.2 Computer Communication Networks Commun University of Mississippi General Networking Concepts Computer Con ication Network Architecture. Local-Area- Networks and Internetssome Joseph Bannister Additional Recent Developments University of Southern 72.3 Local-Area Networks
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第4章雷达终端显示器和录取设备 4.1雷达终端显示器 4.2距离显示器 4.3平面位置显示器 4.4计算机图形显示 4.5雷达数据录取 4.6综合显示 4.7光栅扫描雷达显示
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Linear Transversal Equalizers Nonlinear Equalizers. Linear 70.3 Receivers. Nonlinear Receivers 70.3 Spread Spectrum Communications Brief History Why Spread Spectrum? Basic Concepts and M. K. Simon Terminology. Spread Spectrum Techniques. Applications of Jet Propulsion Laboratory Spread Spectrum 70.1 Error Control Coding Richard C. Dorf and Zhen Wan Error correcting codes may be classified into two broad categories: block codes and tree codes. A block code
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University of California,Davis 69.1 Modulation and Demodulation Jefferson F. Lindsey III Modulation. Superheterodyne Technique. Pulse-Code Southern Illinois University at Modulation. Frequency-Shift Keying. M-ary Phase-Shift Carbondale Keying. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Dennis F. Doelitzsch 69.2 Radio 3-D Communications Standard Broadcasting (Amplitude Modulation).Frequency
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1、货币的产生与发展是一个社会历史现象。货币的形态随着 社会生产的不断大也不断改变着其形式,2、货币形态的演 进经历了4个主要的阶段:足值货币、表征货币、信用货币和 电子货币。其中,现代货币的形式是信用货币,而电子货币则 是新型的信用货币
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第一章 信号与系统基础 第二章 信号变换和调制 第三章 模拟滤波器设计 第四章 数字滤波器设计 第五章 滤波器的实现和分析 第六章 随机信号分析 第七章 交互式图形用户界面
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66.1 Generators Tianjing University AC Generators. DC Generators Donald Galler 66.2 Motors Motor Applications Motor Analysis Massachusetts Institute 66.3 Small Electric Motors of Technology Single Phase Induction Motors. Universal Motors.Permanent Elias G.Strangas Magnet AC Motors.Stepping Motors Michigan State University
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第3章雷达接收机 3.1雷达接收机的组成和主要质量指标 3.2接收机的噪声系数和灵敏度 3.3雷达接收机的高频部分 3.4本机振荡器和自动频率控制 3.5接收机的动态范围和增益控制 3.6滤波和接收机带宽
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第2章雷达发射机 2.1雷达发射机的任务和基本组成 2.2雷达发射机的主要质量指标 2.3单级振荡和主振放大式发射机 2.4固态发射机 2.5脉冲调制器
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