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第一章导论 一、单项选择题(在备选答案中只有一个是正确的,请将正确的选项填在该题后的括号内) 1.在下列案件中,当事人可以直接向人民法院起诉的民事案件有:() A.甲公司与乙公司之间达成有效仲裁协议的买卖合同纠纷 B.任蓝与其工作单位之间发生的分房纠纷 C.乡计划生育办公室与村民林一山之间的计划生育纠纷 D.吴言与伍用之间的侵害人格权纠纷
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普通程序是我国民事诉讼法规定的人民法 院审理第一审民事案件通常所适用的程序 ,也是民事案件的当事人进行第一审民事 诉讼通常所遵循的程序
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肥胖是当今发达国家一个非常普遍的健康问题,据 美国家健康研究所最近的一项调查表明美国有55% 人口体重超标18%患有肥胖症随着我经济的发展 和人民生活水平的提高,肥胖问题日趋严重建国以来我 国的肥胖者以每十年翻一番的速度递增10年间我肥 胖增长串为10%大城市的龄期儿童肥胖率为15%丁 亲一语,肥胖发生逐年上升肥胖问题已引起社会各 界的广泛关注
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Questions from Last Lecture Demand for money↑ =)=l ,Y) ↑ while fixed →l(r,y: hold& to balance the pressure ofd↑; hold,↑ to balance
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How the sr and lr differ In the Lr, prices are flexible and can respond to changes in S or D. In the Sr many prices are stuck at some predetermined level In the sr, monetary policy does have a potent effect on output and employment
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Definition Inflation The overall increase in prices Hyperinflation: extraordinary high inflation
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Topics Finish the assignment from last class Clarification for 4 questions from last class Demand for goods and services Equilibrium and the interest rate
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Money Supply 100%-reserve banking Fractional-reserve banking
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Microeconomics behind Macroeconomics Consumption Investment Money and Advances in business cycle model
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Interest-Rate Differentials Country risk&ex -rate- expectations Country risk Political upheaval default on loan repayments higher i-rate to compensate Ex-rate expectations expect RMB to appreciate loans in RMB can pay a lower i-rate
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