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一、名词解释(20分) 三体三联体三倍体双单倍体双价体双受精基因组基因型 遗传学图细胞学图母性影响细胞质遗传染色质染色粒条件致 死突变平衡致死品系遗传漂变遗传力基因转换交换
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第二节染色体的形态和数目 一、染色体的形态特征 二、染色体的数目
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第一节细胞的结构和功能 根据构成生物体的基本单位,可以将生物分为 非细胞生物:包括病毒、噬菌体(细菌病毒),具有前细胞 形态的构成单位; 细胞生物:以细胞为基本单位的生物;根据细胞核和遗传 物质的存在方式不同又可以分为 o真核生物( eukaryote):(真核细胞)原生动物、单细胞藻 类、真菌、高等植物、动物、人类 o原核生物( prokaryote):(原核细胞)细菌、蓝藻(蓝细菌)
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Chapter 4: Cell Membrane and Cell Surface I. Cell Membrane II. Cell Junctions IIL. Cell Adhesion IV. Extracellular Matrix
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Chapter 6 Cytoplasmic matrix, Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane trafficking Learning objective 1. Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic Cells; 2. The structural and functional relationship among the ER, Golgi complexes, lysosomes and plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells; 3. The pathways of proteins targeting and sorting, and its mechanisms; 4. The ways of protein modifications and intracellular sites after they are synthesized; 5. Types of vesicle transport and their functions
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Chapter 5 A. The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes Learning Objectives: 1. Principles of membrane transport 2. Passive transport and active transport 3. Two main classes of membrane transport proteins: Carriers and Channels; 4. The ion transport systems; 5. Endocytosis and Phagocytosis: cellular uptake of macromolecules and particles
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Chapter 3. Techniques in Cell Biology Preparatory observe put forward theoretics Design control tests Refer to knowledge Collect data Explain results Devise conclusion
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the cell Learning Objectives 1.About Cell Biology 2.Look briefly at the history of cell theory, 3. Consider the basic properties of cells; 4. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 5. Comprehend a special life: viruses
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