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一、(10分)已知某连续时间信号如图所示。 1.绘出信号x1(t)=x(4-)的波形; 2.若x(t)的频谱是X(o),试用X()表 示信号x1(t)的频谱X()
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本课程的重要性和要 解决的问题 信息时代的特征 用信息科学和计算机技术的理论 和手段来解决科学、工程和经济 问题 对各种信息进行提取、传输和处 理,必然涉及到信号与系统
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一、Z变换的基本概念和基本性质 二、变换的域分析 三、离散系统的系统函数 四、离散系统的频率响应
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•拉氏变换的定义——从傅立叶变换到拉氏变换 •拉氏变换与傅氏变换的关系 •拉氏变换的性质,收敛域 •卷积定理(S域) •系统函数和单位冲激响应
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本章将学习建立信号与系统的数学描 述与数学表示,借以研究信号与系统分 析中的基本概念及基本性质,为以后各 章的学习打下基础
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《OFDM技术开发系列》(英文版) Beyond 3G Wideband wireless data access based on OFDM and dynamic packet assignment
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Improving performance of coherent coded It can be shown that if the channel estimates are perfect(a1=a1, a2 OFDM systems using space time transmit a2)diversity can be achieved
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. VOL 50. NO. 1 JANUARY 2002 LDPC-Based Space-Time Coded OFDM Systems Over Correlated Fading Channels: Performance Analysis and Receiver design Ben Lu, Student Member, IEEE, Xiaodong Wang, Member, IEEE, and Krishna R Narayanan, Member: IEEE AbstrackWe consider a space-time coded (STC) orthogonal systems integrate the techniques of antenna array spatial diver-
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Space-Time Code Design in OFDM Systems Ben Lu and Xiaodong Wang Department of Electrical Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 7784 Er-mail:(benlu, wang]@ee. tamu.edu
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Transmit Gain Optimization for Space Time block Coding Wireless Systems with Co-channel Interference Nevio benvenuto and Stefano Tomasin Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica, Universita di Padova
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