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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第一册)B1U1_self market_U1 Reading Material_The Key to Harmonious Relationships
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第一册)B1U1_self market_U1 Reading Material_A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第一册)B1U1_self market_U1 Reading Material_5 Ways to Build Better Relationships With Everyone
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:376KB 文档页数:6
《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第一册)B1U1_self market_B1U01 QUIZ_B1U01 Oral Quiz
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Background Information Map Reading Timeline of Slavery The Underground Railroad Uncle Tom’s Cabin
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上海外语教育出版社:《大学英语综合教程 New College English Integrated Course》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿,第二版第一册)Unit 2 Friendship
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Part A Text Translation Part B Grammar 冠词 Part C Functions and Notions
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Text A Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Summary Structure Translation Grammar Focus Speech New Words and Expressions Text B Vocabulary New Words and Expressions Comprehension Reading
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1 The Author 2 Pre-reading Questions 3 Textual Organization 4 Text Analysis 5 Discussion 6 Quiz
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