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Introduction Nash equilibrium has undoubtedly proved to be the most influential idea in game theory. enabled fundamental breakthroughs in economics and the social sciences. Its development was a major intellectual achievement; what is perhaps more important, it Recent foundational research has emphasized the subtleties in the interpretation of Nash
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Introduction The purpose of this lecture is to help you familiarize with the workings of sequential equi- librium and \sequential equilibrium lite, i.e. perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The main focus is the \reputation\ result of Kreps and Wilson(1982). You should refer to OR for details and definitions: I am following the textbook quite closely. of the game in which an incumbent faces a sequence of K (potential) entrants. It is clear that, in the subgame in which the last entrant gets a chance to play, the incumbent will
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In specifying refrigeration equipment the function of the equipment must be absolutely clear. Refrigeration equipment is always used to control tem- perature. Either the meat passing through the process is to be maintained it its initial temperature, for example as in a refrigerated store or a packing operation, or the temperature of the meat is to be reduced, for example in a blast freezer. These two functions
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1. GDP measures both the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expendi- ture on the economy's output of goods and services. GDP can measure two things at once because both are really the same thing: for an economy as a whole, income must al expenditure. As the circular flow diagram in the text illustrates, these are alter- native, equivalent ways of measuring the flow of dollars in the economy
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The Data of macroeconomics It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to fit facts. Sherlock holmes Scientists, economists, and detectives have much in common: they all want to figure out what's going on in the world around them. To do this, they rely on both theory and observation. They build theories in an attempt to make sense of what they see happening. They then turn to more systematic observation to eval- uate the theories validity. Only when theory and evidence come into line do they feel they understand the situation
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Keats Publishing A Division of The McGraw-Hill Companies Copyright 2001 by Thomas E. Levy. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher
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6.1 Introduction of Vitamins 6.2 The Water-solubke vitamin 6.3 The Fat Soluble Vitamins 6.4 Variation of Vit in food processing and storage 6.5 Anilysis of Vitamins 6.6 Introduction of minerals 6.7 Source and statement 6.8 Variation of Mineral in food processing and storage 6.9 Analysis of Mineral in food
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Lebenslauf 24 Marz, 1935 in Luzern geboren 1941-1951 Primarschule Bezirksschule in olten 1955-1968 Primarlehrer im kantonalen Schuldienst 1973 Primarlehrer in halten
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Lebenslauf 27. 1. 1756 in Salzburg geboren 1761 als Funfjahriger seine erste Komposition ab1762 Konzertreise nach Stadten Europas 1769 Ruckkehr nach Salzburg 1772 Kapellmeister beim Salzburger Erzbischof 1782 Heirat mit Konstanze Weber 1782-1791 Mit Armut und Schulden in Wien leben 5. 12. 1791 in Wien sterben
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Adiabatic process In Fig. PⅤ: In reversible process the work A(ply done (below the line ab) is Blp: l: big than the work done (below the line ac)in adiabatic C(:'V,) reversible process
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