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13.1 Conformal Mapping: Cauchy's Theorem (保角映射:柯西定理) Recall Stability Problem: To determine the relative stability of a closed-loop system we must investigate the characteristic equation of the system
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Plot the bode diagram of a complex system Write the transfer function of system through the bode diagram
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Module 3 First Order System (1 hours) First order systems .Time response of first order systems .Proportional feedback control of first order systems
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Module 5 Second-Order System Time-Domain Response (2 hours) Ramp response Harmonic response Transient response as a function of the location of the poles
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Module 7 Higher -Order Systems (1 hour) TF in Evans or Bode form Approximate a higher order system with a first or second order one Effect of zeros and poles on the transient response Origins of zeros
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9.1 Routh's Stability Criterion About Stability: (P145. Section 1) 9.1.1 Define on the Stability of Closed-loop System: When the transfer function of system is(s), the output
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第6章分布式数据库中的可靠性 1.分布式数据库的可靠性的概念及其度量 2.分布式数据库系统的故障原因和容错技术 3.分布式数据库的可靠性协议 4.网络分割和提交协议 5.不一致性监测和解决方法
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第九章会计账簿 复习思考题 1.何谓会计账簿?会计帐簿的作用? 2.如何对会计帐簿分类? 3.会计帐簿有哪些基本要素? 4.我国企业、行政事业单位为何一般都设置现金、银行存款日记账?
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第五章账户和借贷记账法的运用 复习思考题 1.何谓会计处理基础,如何理解会计处理基础的意义? 2.何谓权责发生制?何谓收付实现制?如何理解二者的区别和联系? 3.企业筹资业务主要包括哪些方面?如何进行筹资业务的会计核算?
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第六章成本计算 复习思考题 1.如何理解成本的经济实质?生产费用与产品成本之间有何联系与区别? 2.成本计算有哪些基本要求? 3.成本核算过程中,要正确划分哪些成本界限?
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