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定理:在两个不同温度的恒温热源间工作的 所有热机,以可逆热机的热效率为最高
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热力学第一定律, 能量守恒与转换定律, 能量之间数量的关系。 所有满足能量守恒与转换定律, 的过程是否都能自发进行
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一、土粒与粒级 土粒 粒径当量粒径(有效粒径) 斯托克斯(Stockes.law)定律
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a Positivism / Anti-positivism Chapter one Auguste comte the law of human progress the theological---the metaphysical--- the positive social statics and social dynamics
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I. Personal Interests VS Organizational Interests个人利益与集体利益 II. Personal Interests VS Organizational& National Interests个人利益与集体和国家利益 IlI Communication Skills交际练习
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Constitutive Law(6 equations, O unknowns) C Bound dary conditions of two types Traction or natural boundary conditions: For tractions t imposed on the portion of the surface of the body aBt Displacement or essential boundary conditions: For displacement
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16.21 Techniques of Structural Analysis and sig Spring 2003 Unit #4- Thermodynamics Principles First Law of Thermodynamics
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1. There have no two-phases area in diffusion area, every layer is single-phases 2. Phase's interface moves according to parabola law 3. Phase's width
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Chap. 5.1 Introduction Chap. 5.2 The fundamental law of gearing Chap. 5.3 Gear tooth nomenclature Chap.5.4 Condition for Correct Meshing Chap. 5.5 Contact Ratio Chap. 5.6 Interference and undercutting Chap. 5.7 Gear types and Application Chap. 5.8 Ordinary gear trains Chap.5.9 Epicyclic or planetary gear trains Chap. 5.10 Applications of gear train
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