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课前复习 1、维数组的定义与使用 2、二维数组的定义与使用 3、字符数组的使用
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本节学习目标 1、文件的基本概念 2、文本文件的基本操作 3、二进制文件基本操作 4、其它文件函数的使用
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Chapter 0 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter,you should be able to State briefly a history of computers. Name and describe four major components of the computer. Convert binary numbers to decimal numbers and vice versa. State the difference between the low-level and high-level programming languages
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Chapter 2 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Identify the basic components of Java programs.Distinguish two types of Java programs- applications and applets
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Chapter 4 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Define an instantiable class with multiple methods and a constructor. Differentiate the local and instance variables. Define and use value-returning methods. Distinguish private and public methods. Distinguish private and public data members. Describe how the arguments are passed to the parameters in method definitions
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Chapter 6 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Implement selection control in a program using if statements. Implement selection control in a program using switch statements. Write boolean expressions using relational and boolean operators. Evaluate given boolean expressions correctly
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Chapter 8 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Declare and manipulate data of the char data type. Write string processing programs using String and StringBuffer objects. Differentiate the String and StringBuffer classes and use the correct class in solving given task. Distinguish the primitive and reference data types and show how the memory allocation between the two is different
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Chapter 10 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Perform linear and binary search algorithms on small arrays. Determine whether a linear or binary search is more effective for a given situation. Perform selection and bubble sort algorithms. Describe the heapsort algorithm and show how its performance is superior to the other two algorithms. Apply basic sorting algorithms to sort an array of objects
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Chapter 12 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Describe four different object categories and use them effectively in designing classes. Define a package and place reusable classes in it. Write a method that calls the superclass's method explicitly by using the reserved word super
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:106.5KB 文档页数:8
第1章单片机的发展与应用 第2章MCS-51单片机组成原理 第3章MCS-51单片机指令系统 第4章MCS-51单片机存储器扩展 第5章输入/输出与中断 第6章定时器/计数器与应用 第7章串行接口与应用 第8章并行接口与应用 第9章A/D、D/A转换接口 第10章单片机应用系统设计与开发
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