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糖尿病并发症 一、急性并发症 二、慢性并发症
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中医对正常人体的认识 藏象总论(一)—藏象与藏象学说 中医认为人体: 心为主宰 五脏为中心 结合六腑、奇恒之腑 精、气、血、津液、形体官窍 通过经络相互络属共同组成的一个有机整体
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风湿病病因学检查. RA HLA-DRB10405 0409风险高达58.2%. SLE HLA-DQB1(nRNP), DQa(SSA/SSB), DQW6(Sm) DQB1(TCR)
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1.、自看标本:虫卵(玻片标本) 两种成虫(大体标本) 两种成虫口囊(玻片标本) 2、示教标本: 两种成虫交合伞(玻片标本)
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I. What’s histology? II. Why we study it ? III. How to study it ?-Histologicalmethods
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《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 05 Blood and Hemopoiesis
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1.General feature: (1) contain more cells and less extracellular ground substance (2) Polarisaton: ---free outer surface: face air or other things ---basal surface: face underlying CT, havebasement membrane (3) Avascularity,but innervation: ---no blood vessels ---rich in nerve terminals
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---skin is the largest organ of the body, it constitutes about 16% of body weight ---its total surface area is about 1.2-2.2 m2 ---function: protection, sensory reception, excretion and thermoregulation
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① Lymphocyte: a. T-lymphocytes: cytotoxic T cell: Tc C- kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and Tc C suppressor T cell: Ts C –regulate the function of BLC and TC
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1. Components: ---small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum ---endocrine gland: Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pituitary gland(hypophysis) Pineal body
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