文档格式:PPT 文档大小:642.5KB 文档页数:51
局域网的特点及安全性分析 VLAN安全技术及应用 VPN安全技术及应用 3.1 局域网安全问题 3.2 访问控制技术 3.3 VLAN安全技术及应用 3.4 VPN安全技术及应用 3.5 备份技术 3.6 归档技术 3.7 容错技术
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.31MB 文档页数:50
5.1密钥的结构与分配 5.2第三方密钥托管协议 5.3公钥基础设施与认证链 5.4安全认证机构与系统介绍
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:168.09KB 文档页数:15
• Define privacy and fundamental computer-related privacy challenges • Privacy principles and laws • Privacy precautions for web surfing • Spyware • Email privacy • Privacy concerns in emerging technologies
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:660.25KB 文档页数:28
• Learn basic terms and primitives of cryptography • Deep dive into how symmetric encryption algorithms work • Study the RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm • Compare message digest algorithms • Explain the math behind digital signatures • Learn the concepts behind quantum cryptography
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• Study the contents of a good security plan • Learn to plan for business continuity and responding to incidents • Outline the steps and best practices of risk analysis • Learn to prepare for natural and human-caused disasters
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• Networking basics • Network threats and vulnerabilities • WiFi security • Denial-of-service attacks • Network encryption concepts and tools • Types of firewalls and what they do • Intrusion detection and prevention systems • Security information and event management tools
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• Learn about memory organization, buffer overflows, and relevant countermeasures • Common programming bugs, such as off-by-one errors, race conditions, and incomplete mediation • Survey of past malware and malware capabilities • Virus detection • Tips for programmers on writing code for security
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目的要求:要求学生了解计算机病毒及计算机的安全,掌握网络安全技术。 教学重点:电子商务的安全技术 教学难点:SSL协议、SET协议的原理
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.06MB 文档页数:29
• Basic security functions provided by operating systems • System resources that require operating system protection • Operating system design principles • How operating systems control access to resources • The history of trusted computing • Characteristics of operating system rootkits
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:230KB 文档页数:49
第一讲、起重机械的安全高风险特性 、人类的生产活动和生活离不开对物质的需求,必然要进行大量的物料搬运,起重机械就 是用来进行物料搬运作业的机械设备。 在现代生产中,起重机械不仅在物料运输领域起着重要作用,广泛用于输送、装卸、建 筑工程和仓储等作业,而且直接参与生产工艺过程例如,大型构件的锻造和热处理等工 艺
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