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明确热力学第二定律的意义,了解自发变化的共同 性质;了解第二定律和卡诺定理的联系;掌握U、厶、S、F、 G的定义及其物理意义。明确△G在特定条件下的意义及 其判据作用;熟练地计算一些简单过程中的△S、△H、△G 及利用范特霍夫等温式判别化学反应的方向。熟练地运 用吉布斯一亥姆霍兹公式
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Crofton's Method Let X1 and X2 be independent random variables that are uniformly distributed over the interval [o, a]. We are interested in computing E[ -X2l]. For instance, in an urban setting, X1 and X2 may denote the location of an accident and the location where an emergency vehicle is currently parked in a road segment of length a, respectively In this case, we want to know the distance
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool.课件
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool.课件(7)
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Introduction Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer BehCet's disease Traumatic Ulcer Traumatic Bulla Reiter's Syndrome Summary Questions
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1.1 Protel99e概述 1.2 Protel99S基本操作 1.3设计组管理 1.4 Protel99S的窗口管理
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1.s区元素的哪些性质的递变是有规律性的,试解释之。 2.IA和ⅡA族元素的性质有哪些相似?有哪些不同? 3.下列物质在过量的氧气中燃烧,生成何种产物?
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当涌水量小于10L/s时,用三角堰;大于10/s时,采用梯形堰或矩形堰测量(见图3-1)。测得堰口高度(h)及堰口宽度b(单位为cm),分别用下列公式计算: (1)三角堰:
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1.集合的基本概念及运算 差:A-B或A\\B={x:x∈A但x∈B} 余:CA=S-A(其中S为全集),简记为Ac 注:A-B=A∩B
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Fast Solutions to CSp's Based on PROSSER, P. Hybrid algorithms for the constraint satisfaction problem. Computational Intelligence
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