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The Significance of Breeding for Resistance to Diseases and Insect Pests抗病虫育种的意义 1. Resistance of Crops to Diseases and Insect Pests (1) Disease and pest damages are popular in Crop Production
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NOTE: On the“ ethics” of problem sets Some of the theoretical exercise I will assign are actually well-known results; in other cases you may be able to find the answer in the literature. This is certainly the case for the current My position on this issue is that, basically, if you look up the answer somewhere it's your problem. After all, you can buy answer keys to most textbooks. The fact is, you will not have access to such, ehm, supporting material when you take your generals, or, in a more
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Evidentialism(Clifford): \It is wrong abways, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence\ (p.113) Pragmatism(James): Faced with a genuine choice about what to believe, and where evidence does not decide the matter, we are free to decide it however we want. Oour passional nature not only lawfully may, but must, decide an option between propositions, whenever it is a genuine option that cannot by its nature be decided on intellectual grounds. (127) In the relevant cases, we are not
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Introduction This lecture, as well as the next, exemplify applications of the framework and techniques developed so far to problems of economic interest. Neither lecture attempts to cover the example applications in any generality, of course; you may however find these topics of sufficient interest to warrant further study Auction theory is generally indicated as one of the \success stories\of game theory There is no doubt that the game-theoretic analysis of auctions has informed design decisions
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The culture concept is fundamental to anthropology Years ago, we used to have more trouble introducing the concept, because people tended to think of the other meaning of culture, i.e., high culture, esp. art, music, refinement
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Welcome to the course, which is an introduction to cultural or sociocultural anthropology We will have two lectures and one discussion a week Most of the requirements (a final exam, series of six papers adding up to about twenty pages; at least an hour a week of discussion)is set by the MIT Humanities Distribution system
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Introduction to Process Engineering From Chemical Engineering to Process Engineering? Raw materials
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The vast majority of games of interest in economics, finance, political economy etc. involve some form of payoff uncertainty. A simple but interesting example is provided by auctions: an object is offered for sale, and individuals are required to submit their bids in sealed envelopes. The object is then allocated to the highest bidder at a price which depends on every bid, according to some prespecified rule (e.g. \first-price\ or \second-price\rule). In
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Objective To provide an overview of the importance of textiles in world history and in the United States (and Chinese) economy. 2. To describe the primary textile markets. Key Words:
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Introduction The purpose of this lecture is to help you familiarize with the workings of sequential equi- librium and \sequential equilibrium lite, i.e. perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The main focus is the \reputation\ result of Kreps and Wilson(1982). You should refer to OR for details and definitions: I am following the textbook quite closely. of the game in which an incumbent faces a sequence of K (potential) entrants. It is clear that, in the subgame in which the last entrant gets a chance to play, the incumbent will
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