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Introduction What are the three big problems macroeconomics studies? GDP -- Calculation: intermediate inventories;used;GNP Real v.s. Nominal (deflator; CPD) Okun'sLaw
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判断正误并说明理由。(每题4分) 1.财政政策的内在时滞比货币政策长。(Mankiw P3345) 正确。1分
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1.选择题 (1)D (2)C (3)A (4)A (5)C (6)A (7)C (8)2 (9)A
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国民经济有两种涵义: 一.是指物质生产部门和非物质生产部门的总和(静态) 二.是指社会产品再生产生产、分配、流通 和使用的总过程(动态). 国民经济核算是以国民经济为整体的核算,又 称国民核算
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How Much Cash Should a business Have? Every business needs enough cash to pay its bills! Irwin/McGraw-Hill ?The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
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Why Businesses Incorporate Stockholders have no personal liability. Transferability of Privately, or ownership. Closely Held Professional management
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Reporting the Results of Operations Information about net income is used by investors, creditors, and other financial statement users. Normal, recurring Unusual, nonrecurring revenue and expense events that affect transactions
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上海大学经济学院:风险管理与保险规划(PPT教案讲稿)Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance
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8.1 可化为线性回归的曲线回归 8.2 多项式回归 8.3 非线性模型 8.4 本章小结与评注
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《国际经济学 International Economics》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 18 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention
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