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Structures of wool fibers Submicrostructure – Cotex core of the wool fiber: 90% of the fiber volume, consists of countless long, spindle-shaped cells held together by intercellular cement
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Introduction Fibers in which forming substance is cellulose acetate where not less than 92% of hydroxyl groups are acetylated: replacing -OH groups with - COCH3
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Course Syllabus Textbook – Kathryn L. Hatch, Textile Science, West Publishing Company, 1993. Reference book – Yao, M. et. al. Textile Materials (in Chinese)
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Outline Carbon fibers Glass fibers Aramid fibers Ultra High Modulus Polyethylene fibers Carbon nanotubes Ceramic fibers Mechanical properties of fibers
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Micro fibers Definition Fibers of < 1 denier Manufacturing of microfibers Bicomponent fibers: Island in sea Citrus
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Fiber Properties and Identification Mechanical properties Tensile properties Tensile deformation
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织物的基本力学性质包括拉伸、撕裂、顶破和弯曲等。 第一节织物的拉伸性质 一、拉伸性质的测定方法和指标 1.拉伸性质测试方法
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第一节纤维的长度及其分布 一、纤维长度指标的基本表达 1.纤维长度 (1)根数加权长度
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纱线的基本特征包括纱线的外观形态特征、加捻特征纤维在纱线中的转移及分布特征,以 及纱线表面的毛羽和内部膨松性等
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