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实验一 公母畜生殖器官观察 实验二 公畜睾丸、母畜卵巢组织学及精子发生、卵泡发育 实验三 孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)效价的生物测定 实验四 兔的超数排卵、胚胎移植及早期胚胎观察 实验五 小鼠超数排卵及早期胚胎的质量鉴定 实验六 哺乳动物胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存 实验七 人工授精器材的认识和假阴道的安装 实验八 精液品质的肉眼检查及精子活率评定 实验九 精子密度计数检查及精子生理特性的测定 实验十 精子形态和畸形率的测定 实验十一 精子顶体染色观察 实验十二 家畜精液的冷冻
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It is often stated by those in the meat and refrigeration industries that 'anyone can measure a temperature. Many millions of measurements are made of both meat and environmental temperatures in the meat industry. However, in many cases the measurements made are an unreliable guide to the effectiveness of the refrigeration process. Even when the correct tem- peratures have been obtained the data are often poorly analysed and rarely acted upon
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Since the mid-1980s there has been a considerable increase in legislation defining maximum temperatures during the production, distribution and retailing of chilled food. However, as soon as the food is purchased by the consumer, it is outside of any of these legislative requirements. Increasingly food poisoning incidents have been found to be due to mishandling of food in the home with insufficient refrigeration or cooling being the most fre
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Theoretically, there are clear differences between the environmental con- ditions required for cooling, which is a heat removal/'temperature reduction process, and those required for storage where the aim is to maintain a set product temperature. However, in many air-based systems, cooling and storage take place in the same chamber and even where two separate facil- ities are used, in many cases not all the required heat is removed in the
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Thawing has received much less attention in the literature than either chill- ing or freezing. In commercial practice there are relatively few controlled thawing systems. Frozen meat, as supplied to the industry, ranges in size and shape from complete hindquarters of beef to small breasts of lamb, although the major- ity of the material is 'boned-out' and packed in boxes ca. 15 cm thick weigh- ing between 20 and 40kg. Thawing is usually regarded as complete when the centre of the block or joint has
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逆境(胁迫)是对植物生长和生存不利的各种环境因素的总称,逆境可以影响植物水分、 光合、呼吸、物质代谢等过程。总体上讲,植物可以通过避逆和耐逆两种方式来抵抗逆境。 低温逆境包括冷害和冻害。冷害是冰点以上低温对植物的伤害。冷害导致膜相由液晶态转 变成凝胶态,膜透性增大,基本代谢紊乱,氧化磷酸化解偶联。冻害指冰点以下低温度使细胞 间隙结冰或细胞内结冰引起的伤害。冻害的机理通常有膜伤害假说及巯基假说。结冰导致细胞 质过度脱水、蛋白质分子变性,膜遭到破坏,代谢就紊乱。 热害是高温胁迫对植物的伤害,可分为直接伤害及间接伤害,植物的抗热性因生态习性、 生育期、器官部位、自身代谢不同而不同
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The appearance of meat at its point of sale is the most important quality attribute governing its purchase. The ratio of fat to lean and the amount of marbled fat are important appearance factors and another is the colour of the meat. The changes in colour of the muscle and blood pigments (myoglobin and haemoglobin, respectively) determine the attractiveness
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The quality of fresh meat exposed for retail sale is initially judged on its appearance. The presence of exudate or'drip', which accumulates in the container of prepackaged meat or in trays or dishes of unwrapped meat, substantially reduces its sales appeal (Malton and James, 1983). Drip can be referred to by a number of different names including purge loss',press loss'and 'thaw loss'depending on the method of measurement and when it is measured. In general, beef tends to lose proportionately more drip than pork or lamb. Since most of the exudate comes from the cut ends of muscle fibres
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冷冻水循环系统:来自空调设备的冷冻水回水经集水器、除污器、循环水泵,进入冷水机组蒸 发器内、吸收了制冷剂蒸发的冷量,使其温度降低成为冷冻水,进入分水器后再送入空调设备的表 冷器或冷却盘管内,与被处理的空气进行热交换后,再回到冷水机组内进行循环再冷却。 热水循环系统:主要是完成冬季空调设备所需的热量,使其加热空气用,热水循环系统需包含 热源部分。 冷却水循环系统:进入到冷水机组的冷凝器的冷却水吸收冷凝器内的制冷剂放出的热量而温度 升高,然后进入室外冷却塔散热降温、通过冷却水循环水泵进行循环冷却,不断带走制冷剂冷凝放 出的热量,以保证冷水机组的制冷循环。 冷凝水排放系统:排放空调器表冷器表面因结露而形成的冷凝水的水管
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