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一、词法分析过程涉及的几个问题 二、 词法分析器的生成技术
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一、分离剂? 二、哪两相? 三、利用什么性质? 四、属于平衡分离过程
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一、边界条件 二、物理现象 三、流体属性,诸如密度、粘度等
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Contents Preface 1 Separation processes- an overview S. Grandison and M. J. Lewis 1.1 Foods the raw material 1.2 Separation techniques 1.2.1 Introduction 1.2.2 Separations from solids
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1 序论 分离过程与传递现象
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Preface This book concentrates on the more recent methods and techniques for separating food components and products of the biotechnology industry. Each chapter deals with a specific type or area of application and includes information on the basic principles
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Index adsorption recycle extraction, continuous, 196 concentration polarisation, 72 adsorption systems, expanded bed, 195 concentration polarisation, UF, 106, 146 adsorption, SCF, 40 critical T and P for supercritical fluids, 20 affinity chromatography, 202 crystallisation, 230
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Chapter 9 Solids separation processes M.J. LEWIS, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading RG6 6AP 9.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter will cover the separations involving solid foods, together with the propertie
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