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第一节容器壳体的应力分析 第二节圆平板中的应力 第三节内压薄壁容器的设计计算 第四节法兰
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HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN GOALS: Role of heat exchangers in chemical processing Basic concepts and terminology Types of heat exchangers Design methodology Sizing Design Rating
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CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF SIMPLE DISTILLATION COLUMNS Goals: Determine feasibility of proposed separation Estimate tray and reflux requirements Estimate column diameter and height
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EQUILIBRIUM STAGED SEPARATIONS Single Stage Flash [Flash Drum] Distillation Simple Distillation Complex Distillation Non-Ideal Distillation Gas Absorption and Stripping Liquid-Liquid Extraction Multi-Effect Evaporation
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SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations
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CHEMICAL REACTOR CHARATERIZATION GOALS: Outline basic concepts Review reaction chemistry Develop basic definitions of performance Identify important reactor variables Review reaction thermodynamics
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《过程设备设计基础》课程教学资源(相关标准文献)中华人民共和国国家标准(GB 150—1998)钢制压力容器 Steel pressure vessels
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ESTIMATING THE PROFITABILITY OF A CHEMICAL PLANT Estimating Investment Estimating Cost of Production Profitability Evaluation Return on Investment (ROD) Payout time(Tpay) DCF Rate of Return(DCFROR) Transfer Price
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