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衍生金融工具(Derivative Instruments), 又称衍生证券、衍生产品,是指其价值依赖 于基本(Underlying)标的资产价格的金融 工具,如远期、期货、期权、互换等。衍生 市场的历史虽然很短,但却因其在融资、投 资、套期保值和套利行为中的巨大作用而获 得了飞速的发展
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1.掌握金融市场的概念,掌握金融市场的基本要素、动作流程、功能和类型。 2.熟练掌握各种金融工具的概念、特点及其有价证券价格的确定。 3.了解证券市场的构成、组织和交易程序。 4.了解金融衍生工具的概念,掌握期货、期权交易的一般知识。 5.了解金融投资的风险性及其资产组合的意义
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第一章 金融市场概论 第二章 货币市场 第三章 资本市场 第四章 外汇市场 第五章 衍生市场 第六章 利率机制 第七章 风险机制 第八章 风险资产的定价 第九章 效率市场假说 第十章 债券价值分析 第十一章 普通股价值分析 第十二章 远期和期货的定价 第十三章 期权的定价 第十四章 投资管理 第十五章 金融市场监管
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30.2 Big Losses by Financial Institutions Allied Irish Bank($700 million) Barings($1 billion) Chemical Bank($33 million) Daiwa ($1 billion) Kidder Peabody ($350 million) LTCM ($4 billion) Midland Bank ($500 million) National Bank ($130 million) Sumitomo ($2 billion)
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Futures Contracts Available on a wide range of underlying assets · Exchange traded · Specifications need to be defined: What can be delivered, - Where it can be delivered, When it can be delivered Settled daily Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives,5 5th edition2002 by John.hull
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Long Short Hedges A long futures hedge is appropriate when you know you will purchase an asset in the future and want to lock in the price A short futures hedge is appropriate when you know you will sell an asset in the future want to lock in the price
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Nature of Swaps A swap is an agreement to exchange cash flows at specified future times according to certain specified rules Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th edition 2002 by John C. Hull
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American vs European options An American option is worth at least as much as the corresponding European option
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A Simple Binomial model A stock price is currently $20 In three months it will be either $22 or
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The Stock Price Assumption Consider a stock whose price is s In a short period of time of length 8t, the return on the stock is normally distributed
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