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Package design has great significance for the success of foodstuffs nowadays. Packages are clearly an integral part of the manufacturing and distribution processes. As clothes speak for their wearers, so too packages speak for the packed food product. Packages are developed not only to make weekdays easier for the consumer, but also to make times of celebration more festive. Many food products would not be in shops and on dining tables, if they had not been packed. Nowadays packages face difficult challenges and roles. They have to create the ambience that hitherto was forged by personal service. Packages replace the salesman
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Modified atmosphere packaging(map) is widely used for many food products and is now a commercial and economic reality. MAP is common in markets that have a well established and controlled cold chain and that can sustain a high- priced quality product. However, MAP is a mild preservation method and a major concern is that MAP storage may not provide a sufficient level of safety for the extended storage of fresh chilled food products with regard to pathogenic
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Package integrity is an essential requirement for maintaining the high quality of, for example, sterilised foods and modified atmosphere packaged foods. The increasing focus on quality assurance is putting demands on verification of food package integrity. The foremost noticeable package integrity problem is probably leaking seals, particularly with flexible plastic packages which are more prone to mechanical damage than traditional rigid metal packages. A non- destructive leak test device allowing evaluation of every container produced is. therefore, of interest to food manufacturers
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(电子教案)My Food 2
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(电子教案)My Food 3
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(电子教案)My Food 2
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Food and drink Lesson 88-90
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Food and drink Lesson 85-87
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(电子教案)My food 3
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小学英语:《Food and drink》课文教学资源(电子教案)My Food 1
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