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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Principles of the Manufacturing of Composite Materials)CHAPTER 2 Matrix Materials
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Composite Materials and Structures)Chapter 8 Nested Nonlinear Multiscale Frameworks for the Analysis of Thick-Section Composite Materials and Structures
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Composite Materials and Structures)Chapter 3 Adaptive Concurrent Multilevel Model for Multiscale Analysis of Composite Materials Including Damage
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)12 Introduction to Damage Mechanics of Composite Materials
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)11 Introduction to Homogenization of Composite Materials
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials)01 Introduction to Composite Materials
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Experimental Characterization of Advanced Composite Materials, Third Edition)02 Analysis of Composite Materials
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Computational Materials Science,From Basic Principles to Material Properties)05 Simulation of Active and Nonlinear Photonic Nano-Materials in the Finite-Difference Time-Domain(FDTD)Framework
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1 Composite forming mechanisms and materials characterisation 2 Constitutive modelling for composite forming 3 Finite element analysis of composite forming 4 Virtual testing for material formability 5 Optimization of composite forming 6 Simulation of compression moulding to form composites 7 Understanding composite distortion during processing 8 Forming technology for composite metal hybrids 9 Forming self-reinforced polymer materials 10 Forming technology for thermoset composites 11 Forming technology for thermoplastic composites 12 The use of draping simulation in composite design 13 Benchmarking of composite forming modelling techniques back-matter front-matter
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Composite materials science and applications,Second Edition)06 Tailoring Composite Materials
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