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Understanding materials, their properties and behavior is fundamental to engineering design, and a key application of materials science. Written for all students of engineering, materials science and design, this book describes the procedures for material selection in mechanical design in order to ensure that the most suitable materials for a given application are identified from the full range of materials and section shapes available. Extensively revised for this fourth edition, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design is recognized as one of the leading materials selection texts, and provides a unique and genuinely innovative resource
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1. What are materials? 2. A Brief History of Materials 3. Family of Materials 4. Materials Science & Engineering
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58.1Introduction 58.2 Smart/Intelligent Structures 58.3 Objective-Based Classification of Smart/Intelligent Materials Smart Structural Materials. Smart Thermal Materials.Smart Acoustical Materials. Smart Electromagnetic
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Guangdong Instltute of Textile Technolegy Justification Textile materials are the basic materials. It is crucial to establish a basic understanding of the science governing the behavior of these materials. The course is taught in a bilingual system such that the students will have an opportunity to enhance their English ability while learning the key knowledge in textiles
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This book describes semiconductors from a materials science perspective rather than from condensed matter physics or electrical engineering viewpoints. It includes discussion of current approaches to organic materials for electronic devices. It further describes the fundamental aspects of thin film nucleation and growth, and the most common physical and chemical vapor deposition techniques. Examples of the application of the concepts in each chapter to specific problems or situations are included, along with recommended readings and homework problems
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Describing the fundamental physical properties of materials used in electronics, the thorough coverage of this book will facilitate an understanding of the technological processes used in the fabrication of electronic and photonic devices. The book opens with an introduction to the basic applied physics of simple electronic states and energy levels. Silicon and copper, the building blocks for many electronic devices, are used as examples. Next, more advanced theories are developed to better account for the electronic and optical behavior of ordered materials, such as diamond, and disordered materials, such as amorphous silicon. Finally, the principal quasi-particles (phonons, polarons, excitons, plasmons, and polaritons) that are fundamental to explaining phenomena such as component aging (phonons) and optical performance in terms of yield (excitons) or communication speed (polarons) are discussed
文档格式:PPSX 文档大小:2.07MB 文档页数:15
第 4 章 高分子材料 1、工程塑料 2、合成纤维 3、合成橡胶 4、胶粘剂 5 章 陶瓷材料 1、普通陶瓷 2、特种陶瓷 6 章 复合材料 1、材料复合原则 2、复合材料性能 3、非金属基复合材料 4、金属基复合材料 第7章 功能材料 1、电功能材料 2、磁功能材料 3、热功能材料 4、光功能材料 5、隐形/智能材料 6、纳米材料
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Materials & Processing Human civilization and materials processing Modern materials processing Why solidification is important? What is solidification & casting? Course structure
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Materials and Mechanical Engineering Sections 1 Introduction. 2. Atomic Bonds. 3. Material Properties, 4. Selection of Materials Objectives After learning this chapter you should be able to do the following Understand how material properties are used to qualify materials for engineering design
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Food packaging is a still growing market As a consequence, the demand to re-use post-consumer packaging materials grows as well. Recycling of packaging materials plays an increasing role in packaging, and numerous applications can already be found on the market. Ten or twenty years ago most post-consumer packaging waste was going into landfill sites or to incineration
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