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一、逆矩阵的定义 定义对于n阶方阵A,如果有一个n阶方阵B,使 得 AB=BA=E. 则称矩阵A是可逆的,并把方阵B称为A的 逆阵(inverse matrix)
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第二讲矩阵的运算 复习: 一、加法。 二、数乘。 三、矩阵与矩阵相乘。 四、转置矩阵 新授: 五、方阵的行列式 定义由n阶方阵A的元素所构成的n阶行列式(各元素的位置不变),称为方阵A的行列式。记作A或detA (determinant)
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The output y[n] of a frequency-selective LTI discrete-time system with a frequency response exhibits some delay relative to the input x[n] caused by the nonzero phase response of the system
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Phase and Group Delays The output y[n] of a frequency-selective LTI discrete-time system with a frequency response(@) exhibits some delay relative to the input x[n] caused by the nonzero phase response 0(@) =arg{()} of the system
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P17倒数第7行:ACB-+ACB P21(2.3)式-+ P(A:n41)=P(4)P(A),1≤i,≤N且≠j P(A∩A∩Ak)=P(4)P(A)P(A),1≤i,j,k≤N且互异 P(A1nA2…∩AN)=P(41)P(A2)…P(AN) P28倒数第7行:即若--+即
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《认知神经科学》课程教学资源(参考文献)[Fletcher, P. C., & Henson, R. N. A.(2001)]Frontal lobes and human memory - Insights from functional neuroimaging
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程序(一)功能:验证逻辑运算符的结果。 参考程序: main( {inta=3,b=4,c=5; printf(\%d\\n\,a+b&&b=c)
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一、基本的三角分解法(Doolittle法) 若n阶方阵A=(a)nxn的顺序主子式
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n--a large constant voltage source (t)-- small time-varying- voltage source(small signal) >>(3) bsin +i=(),+ (o)=: JOX tniog gin9go int---(1)←0=()2utJ
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