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21.11 Aryl Halide and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution 21.12 Spectroscopic Analysis of Phenols and Aryl Halides
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Substitution reactions occur when two reactants exchange parts to give two new products. In a substitution, one replaces another
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Infrared Spectroscopy: An Instrumental Method for detecting Functional Groups
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The most characteristic reaction of aldehydes and ketones is nucleophilic addition to the carbon-oxygen double bond
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厦门大学化学化工学院:《有机化学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,双语版)第四章 卤代烃 4.5.4-4.8
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厦门大学化学化工学院:《有机化学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,双语版)第二章 烷烃、环烷烃及其构象 Alkanes, Cycloalkanes And Their Conformations 2.2 环烷烃 Cycloalkanes
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厦门大学化学化工学院:《有机化学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,双语版)第二章 烷烃、环烷烃及其构象 Alkanes, Cycloalkanes And Their Conformations 2.1 链烷烃 Alkanes(1/2)
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