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Module 8 System Type: Steady-State Error and Muriple Control (3 hours) Definition of the system type The kind of input of system How to identify steady-state error quickly · How to eliminate steady-state- error
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第一节 中枢神经系统(Central nervous system) 第二节 外周神经系统(Peripheral nervous system) 第三节 植物性神经系统(vegetative nervous system)
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一、 补体系统的组成 Components of the Complement System 补体固有成分 补体调节蛋白 补体受体 二、 补体激活途径 Pathway of Complement Activation 三、补体系统的调节机制 Regulation of the Complement System 四、 补体受体 Complement Receptors 五 、补体系统的生物学功能 Biological functions of complement system
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1. Development of kidney and ureter 2. Development of urinary bladder and urethra 3. Abnormality in urinary system 4. Development of gonad 5. Development of reproductive tracts 6. Abnormality in reproductive system
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Stability Condition of a Discrete-Time LTI System · BIBO Stability Condition-A- discrete--time LTI system is BIBO stable if the output sequence {y[n]} remains bounded for any bounded input sequence{x[n]} A discrete-time LTI system is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response sequence {h[n]} is absolutely summable
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Module 2: Computer-System Structures 计算机系统结构 1、computer system operation计算机系统运行 2、/O StructureIO结构 3、Storage Structure存储构造 4、Storage Hierarchy存储层次 5、Hardware Protection硬件保护 6、General System Architecture一般系统体系结构
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第四节 神经系统的感觉功能 Sensory Function of Nervous System 第五节 脑的电活动与觉醒、睡眠机制 第五节 神经系统对姿势和运动的调节 Posture & Motor Control By Nervous System 第六节 神经系统对内脏活动调节 Visceral Activity Control By Nervous System 第七节 脑的高级功能 Higher Nervous Activity of the Brain
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Goal: Design a controller K(s so that the system has some desired characteristics. Typical objectives Stabilize the system( Stabilization) Regulate the system about some design point(Regulation Follow a given class of command signals(Tracking) Reduce the response to disturbances(Disturbance Rejection Typically think of closed-loop control > so we would analyze the
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Chap. 10 Scheme of Mechanism system Chap.10.1 Review Design Process Chap.10.2 Design Process of Kinematic Scheme of the Mechanism System
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with x(0)=I exist and are unique on the time interval t E [ 0, 1] for allTER\.Then discrete time system(4. 1)with f(5)=r(, i)describes the evolution of continuous time system(4.)at discrete time samples. In particular, if a is continuous then so is f Let us call a point in the closure of X locally attractive for system(4. 1)if there exists
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